Urban Development


We offer a wide range of professional development and renewal management strategies, and consultation, planning and financial services to meet the economic and growth needs of our state and municipal clients.

Urban Revitalization and Economic Development Is Part of What We Do

We are primarily an urban development & renewal management company whose primary purpose is to partner with state and municipal governments to foster, enhance and revitalize the economic landscape of urban America by developing and bolstering the residential and commercial infrastructures. We form long-term contracts commitments with states and municipalities to accomplish our objectives.
We partner with business and financial entities to either eliminate or minimize the development and revitalization costs to the municipalities with which we chose to work with. Our ultimate goal is to enhance the economic landscape of the municipalities by developing or redeveloping the residential and commercial infrastructures and thereby improving the property tax base for the municipalities.
Please Read More About Our Urban Development Services Below

Municipality Partnership

Westminster Consulting Group, LLC partners with municipalities to mobilize private capital for residential and commercial developments. We also leverage real estate owned by municipalities to facilitate the design, financing and construction of the development with the ultimate goal of improving the tax base of the cities.

   Property Development

Westminster Consulting Group works with business partners and investors to develop residential and commercial properties. Our goal is to improve the usefulness of land and buildings for the purpose of developing these facilities to meet the commercial, residential, and social needs of the municipalities.

Investment Opportunities

Westminster Consulting Group offers investment opportunities for large and small investors. The investments are primarily related to residential and commercial development. We realize that investors desire a great return on their investments and we believe that we offer safe and profitable investment opportunities.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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