About Us - Capital Mgnt

      Offering Bright Ideas To Help Companies Reach Their Financial Goals

We strive to offer the very best services in capital management. We never settle for second best, and always have our clients satisfaction as our top priority. It’s who we are, and we are proud of it. 

Who We Are

Westminster Capital Management LLC’s mission is to facilitate the growth of companies with gross revenues between $1 and $10 million annually. We targets companies in those industry sectors that have a minimum forecasted growth rate that exceeds the US GDP and US Inflation growth rate by a minimum of 150%.

Strategies & Plans

Every customer is unique. That’s why we customize every one of our plans to fit their needs exactly. Whether it’s a small strategy or a comprehensive effort, we’ll sit down with each client, listen to their requests, and prepare a customized plan to help them to reach their targeted financial and business goals. 

Client Satisfaction

Client satisfaction is of utmost importance to us, but we don’t let that go to our heads. We dedicate ourselves to every project.

Professional Expertise

Your project will be handled by experts every time. We make sure you have the most experienced professionals working for you. 

Focused Results

You’ll find the support you need to ensure that things runs smoothly. We’re here to help you get the  focused results that you expect.









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