Westminster Consulting Group, LLC
Financial Services For Growing Companies

Specializing  In Offering Premium Financial And Business Services To Our Clients

Urban Development

We provide urban development and
renewal strategies and execution plans to state and local governments to foster and revitalize the economic landscape by developing the residential and commercial infrastructure of local cities.
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Business Consultation

We provide our clients with the right information, knowledge, and assistance to help them to grow and prosper regardless of their industry's economic climate. We help our clients to assess and analyze their businesses without emotional ties.
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Capital Management

We help our clients with managing their working capital requirements by guiding them through the process of managing their short-term assets and liabilities so that they have sufficient liquidity to run their daily operations effectively and efficiently.
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Philosophies We Believe In, Focus On, And Serve Our Customer With.

You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Will Rogers
Get closer than ever to your customers. So close, in fact, that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.
Steve Jobs
Customer service is not a department, it’s everyone’s job.
Customers don’t expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong.
Donald Porter
We Are Always Looking For The BRIGHTEST IDEAS!!!
They may be different for every situation, but they are out there. And, if you search continuously for them, you will catch them. Our client's expect us to come up with the BRIGHTEST IDEAS!
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